A domain that is registered with United Domains, is being added as follows:
- Add the Domains inside inCMS/BizProfit (Add Domain - with external Nameservers)
- In the control panel of United Domains you have to configure the corresponding domain. Primarily, you have to create the A-record for the domain as described here: https://help.uniteddomains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207237229-Creating-an-A-Record-or-Static-IP-Address. The IPv4 adress needs to be
- Afterwards you have to create a new subdomain with the name "www".
- For this subdomain you can do settings again - add the CNAME record from inCMS there. You can add the CNAME record as follows: https://help.uniteddomains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207949875-How-to-Create-a-CNAME-Record. It's really important that CNAME to the Subdomain and not the ROOT domain.