Upsells with Digistore24

Welcome to this Feature Update for MemberBizProfit.

It's now possible to implement an upsell with MemberBizProfit.

With an upsell you can offer additional products to users, in the same ordering process as they ordered a first product.

To do it, you have to be logged in in booth your inCMS Backend and your Digistore24 account.

In your inCMS everything should be ready for the upsell. You need a Sales Page for the first product and a second Sales Page for the upsell product.

Depending on your wishes even a third page for further upsells.

In our example we have a first Sales page for an eBook, then another upsell page for a in-depth video course.

Both of these products should be already created as tags under "Members" with the corresponding authorisation. 

Now we're going to create the two products in our Digistore24 account.

For the first product we are choosing a product name, inserting the corresponding tag, copy the URL of the Sales page and then, very important, inserting our upsell page as the Thank You Page. Then we save the product.

For the second product we are choosing again a name, inserting the right tag and sales page url, which should be the same as the Thank You Page of the first product.

Now it's time to save again.

The next step is to go back to the first product and choosing the tab "Upsells".

Here we see a great graphical view of the ordering process.

By default the ordering process is done after the first purchase.

We now choose our upsell product instead. We could go further and add another Upsell product, the principle is the same.

In this example we are content with one upsell and save the changes.

Now we have to configure the suitable connection. For this purpose we go to "Settings" "Integrations (IPN)".

There we add a new connection, give the connection a name and choose the "Type" MemberBizProfit.

For the products we choose our created products.

Now we need the API Key from MemberBizProfit. Therefore we go to our settings, choose "Digistore24", copy the API Key and paste it in the Digistore 24 settings.

Now we click on "Save". The last thing we need to do in Digistore24 is to copy the link for our first product.

We copy it and go back to MemberBizProfit.

We now insert this link on the first Sales Page in the Button.

At last we have to set up the Buttons on our upsell page. This is really easy, as the configuration has already been done.

Everything we have to do is to set the link of the "Buy Now" Button to "Digistore24-Upsell-Yes" and the "No" Button to "Digistore24-Upsell-No".

Now we can log-out and test it.

We go to our main Sales Page and click on "Buy Now". As long as we are logged into Digistore24 we can process test purchases.

As soon as the first order is done, we get redirected to our upsell page where we can decide to act a second time.

We get a confirmation email from Digistore24 with the Log-In data.