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How To

How do I delete a Compare URL?
Open Settings from either to Tool Bar or from the Filter menu.  On the right side of the screen under Compare URL, double-click on the url you wis...
Wed, 30 Jul, 2014 at 5:44 PM
Am I able to have my outsources run the program as well as myself? How to?
Since our products are all in the cloud, yes. However, anyone logging into the account will need to use the same username and password.
Wed, 30 Jul, 2014 at 5:49 PM
How do I create a report with only the filtered keywords? I don't want to make a report that includes all the data.
In your browser settings, allow pop-ups for  In SECockpit, create a new folder  Select, then Drag-n-Drop the filtered ...
Wed, 30 Jul, 2014 at 5:44 PM
How to eliminate phrases with specific locations in them, e.g. seo services uk; san francisco search engine optimization; seo india.
When you create a new search in SECockpit, there is an option for Google AdWords Synonyms that you can check. A field will appear where you can enter terms...
Wed, 27 Aug, 2014 at 7:59 PM
How can I create my own task profiles?
We are working on a new feature, where you’ll be able to create your own task profiles. Until then, you can add your own tasks in a task list by clicking on...
Wed, 8 Oct, 2014 at 4:02 PM
How can I see the actual volume of searches with my own keywords through SECockpit? I just want to see how many people are actually checking for a particular query.
The second button from the left in the SECockpit toolbar is 'New Keyword Search from List'. Here you can Paste a list of up to 100 keywords into a n...
Wed, 15 Oct, 2014 at 10:47 PM
I would like to cleanup all the keyword history in my account, how do I do this?
The way to manage lists you no longer need is to do the following: Create a New Folder, name it "Discard" or something similar. Then ...
Mon, 17 Nov, 2014 at 9:10 PM