The Hero 04 area offers a convenient selection for the video setting. You have the following options:

Section Setting

You can set the width and height, as well as the background color for the Hero 02 section. You can choose between Fullwidth, Content Center, Mobile Content Center and Revert Layout.

Additionally you have also an option to chose the Column Size what you can easily adjust with a controller.

Section Heading

Here you can set the size seperately for desktop and mobile in px. The title is always H1. You can edit the title and text in any language.

Video Settings

You can chose between the Youtube and Vimeo module.

Just add the link of the Video URL.

You have the option to enable the automatic playback of the video by checking the corresponding checkbox. However, we advise against enabling autoplay as it may disrupt the user experience on the website. 

The image radius can be used to round off the corners of the video. There are gradations of none, small, medium and large for this.



Tere are also two different types of buttons available.

  1. You can choose between the buttons (Primary, Secondary and Accent) that match the respective color palette. 
  2. Buttons 1, 2 and 3 can be customized in the settings. To do this, click Settings → Design → Buttons.